Hotels Villa Rosario Ribadesella
09 July 2021
What to eat in Asturias

Asturias is synonymous with good eating, incredible flavors, and delight for the palate.

Anyone who has visited Asturias knows that they are going to eat well and in abundance. Traditional recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation based on the quality of the Principality´s products. The fishing tradition of many of its towns provides fish and shellfish and a variety of dishes such as caldereta, chopa a la cider, bonito roll and many more. The importance that livestock has always had is reflected in the excellent quality of the meat of the cattle that graze in its green valleys.

In addition, Asturias is a land of cheeses. Known as the "Country of 40 cheeses", Asturias is the largest cheese spot in Europe. Artisan cheeses for all tastes and of all kinds: Gamoneu, Cabrales, Afuega’l Pitu, Casín, etc.

On your getaway to Asturias you cannot stop tasting some of the treasures of the Asturian kitchen. Indispensable gastronomy to try yes or yes. Here is a list of the most representative dishes of Asturias:

  • Fabada: the most typical dish of Asturian gastronomy. A simple and rough dish, but at the same time elegant and sophisticated. It is a dish of fabes (white beans) accompanied by compango (chorizo, bacon, blood sausage, ...).

  • Cachopo: two beef fillets stuffed with cheese and ham. His fame has been increasing in recent years, with contests being very popular to decide which is the best cachopo.

  • Pitu caleya: free-range chickens that, thanks to their natural growth and feeding, provide firmer meat, of a darker color and with less fat.

  • Rice with bugre: a delicacy of Asturian gastronomy. Rice with bugre (lobster) is a dish that will delight the most demanding palates.

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